Monday 7 July 2014

Respect our Senior Citizens

The senior citizens require love, affection and care, which no money can buy. They want someone to listen to them, someone with whom they can share their thoughts, someone who can sit with them with a smile on their face. The immediate family is always busy, the grand children are busy with their studies and other related activities, the son is hardly having the time to sit with them as work pressure is always high, relatives and friends maintain distance due to their age too.  Doctors and nurses are the only regular visitors. The worst comes when the senior citizen couple becomes single, due to death, they become more lonely and feel detached  from  the world. Their heart becomes like  a heart of a child looking for a shoulder to sob on. Food is available to them but not a single loving  hand to feed them. The world which they dominated, now dominates them.  These people start developing a survival  guilt due to such negligent environment created by the younger generation. The few care sentences they hear from the close ones, have you taken a bath today – not understanding that due to age their body cannot bear the tap water and take your medicines in time. They are forced to see Television channels which others like to watch. They receive the newspaper at the end of the day to read. They are deprived of a neat and clean bed, at home,  as once in a while it gets dirty  without their  intention. They are subjected to scolding with no fault of theirs, which they bravely accept with a smile. They are not invited to greet guests in the house. All the comfort which they shared as parents with their family are not available to them. No matter how starve they are to have a dish of their choice they are made to compromise what the family chooses. They long to go out for a drive with the family  followed by dinner, but same remains a dream. They smile and long to laugh with the family who are too busy with their own week end plans. Even the domestic help takes them as a last priority. Their clothing are washed separately for fear of an infection. It is sad to see that the one who ruled the family is now caged with out a chain to one corner of the house. Children are adviced to keep distance from them because of their old age diseases. The younger generation has ample of cosmetics on their dressing table but none care to give them a bottle of coconut hair oil  leave alone a shampoo bottle.  All their life time earning, provident fund have been converted to FDs and it becomes a pain for the family to spend even the interest earning  of same  on their treatment. If the senior citizen is living in a joint family, the commotion remains  “who’s responsibility “? 

If one looks deep inside their eyes, one can observe the tears being on hold , like a Dam holds the back water. As parents  when they  had to buy a car, consent of the young  family members were taken, today none consult them. The younger generation thinks they know much more of the world but if one opens them for a discussion their experience would be asthoning . They are more learned than us but sadly are treated as old books of the house. With time we are forgetting the taste of Pickles which our Granny’s made ,  with all the money we cannot buy that taste which had more of love and less of oil.  The senior citizens are an asset to the house, all one has to do is treat  them, with love, care and affection.  Their blessings come from the heart and they say what they mean. We must teach our children to respect our senior citizens as today or tomorrow all have to reach this stage. What we sow will reap, the way we treat our seniors the same will be our fate from our children.  It does not hurt to pass a smile to them whenever, wherever we see them, irrespective to our relation with them.

Sincerely yours,
Rakesh Bhatia,

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